Best Free Plagiarism Checker Online?

Hello everyone,

I want to use a free online plagiarism detector that is trustworthy and efficient. Which tools do you think are the best available?

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Growing up, I was always passionate about writing, and throughout school and university, I frequently sought ways to ensure my work was original and well-cited. I’ve tried various plagiarism detection tools to check my essays, and after years of exploring different options, I found that free tools like Grammarly’s free version and Quetext offer reliable plagiarism detection for basic needs. While these might not catch every instance of plagiarism as paid versions do, they have served me well in maintaining the integrity of my work without breaking the bank.

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Grammarly works nicely for me when I use it.

Duplichecker is excellent as well.

You can utilise SmallSEOTools, which provides a free plagiarism checker that compares your text to many web sources to identify suspected plagiarism. It calculates a percentage similarity score and exposes plagiarised content.