Do Internal Links Even Matter?

People often say you need a certain number of internal links for a blog to rank. But here’s the thing – that might not be true. My top-performing blog post only has one internal link pointing to it, and it’s way ahead of the others in performance. The article itself isn’t even that great. My second best post has 16 internal links, and the third best only has 3. So, what’s going on? There’s much more at play than just internal links, and trying to follow strict rules like this doesn’t always work.

Your headline is one of the most wrong statements that could possibly be said about SEO. Internal links matter a lot. Of course, other things matter too.

Colby said:
Your headline is one of the most wrong statements that could possibly be said about SEO. Internal links matter a lot. Of course, other things matter too.

Exactly, it’s wild how inexperienced people can be so confidently wrong.

Dunning Kruger effect in the wild.

Gregory said:
Dunning Kruger effect in the wild.

Ignore the title. The post’s based on real-world data I have in front of me.

Terry said:

Gregory said:
Dunning Kruger effect in the wild.

Ignore the title. The post’s based on real-world data I have in front of me.

Real world data based off one post? Maybe 3?

49 posts. 50 as of today.

Terry said:
49 posts. 50 as of today.

On one website. Username checks out though lol.

I think the mistake you are making is thinking all links are equal. Counting links doesn’t really prove anything. Your post makes it look like you are assuming all SERPs are equal too. Your one internal link might be more than enough because the search query is relatively non-competitive.

Yeah, fair enough.

I strongly disagree with your opinion. From personal experience, internal links are extremely important from the case studies I’ve conducted over the years. You’re right, there is more to SEO than internal links, however, they should not be neglected.

Okay :ok_hand:

I think there’s much more at play than just internal links. But they do matter. Many factors come into play and in the simplest form, links transfer weight to the page being linked to. Different posts, keywords, competition in SERPs, and content all factor into the equation. Claiming that a certain number of links is required is silly because the value of each link can change based on many different factors.

Yes, that was exactly my point.

This is such a great conversation. You’re understanding and proving (by observation) that on-site SEO does NOT create authority. Without external authority, your internal links have nothing to work with. You MUST get external links to your domain for that to flow through your internal links. Internal links are like internal plumbing – they move everything around but need an external source to work.

Glad someone’s enjoyed the post :blush:

Terry said:
Glad someone’s enjoyed the post :blush:

Indeed :smiley::raised_hands::chart_with_upwards_trend:

This is probably the most peculiar garbage I’ve seen. In my 4 years of SEO experience, I’ve seen some pretty wild stuff, but this takes the cake.

Mitchel said:
This is probably the most peculiar garbage I’ve seen. In my 4 years of SEO experience, I’ve seen some pretty wild stuff, but this takes the cake.


You are both right and wrong at the same time.