Does Anyone Have Insurance for Their Blog?

I’m planning to start a blog soon, focusing on herbal medicines. Given this type of content, would it be wise to get some general or professional insurance?

I’d like to know if anyone here has insurance for their blog, and how essential you think it is.

Also, if I plan to do affiliate marketing, would having insurance be a good idea?

What are your thoughts?

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Yes, will be a great idea… If you plan to sell any herbal products or supplements through your blog, product liability coverage is a smart idea in case a customer has an adverse reaction, or can help protect you in case someone claims your content caused them harm.


Blogging insurance can help protect you if you face a general liability claim, involving either an injury or accident, or more likely, a reputational claim.It can help you find a policy with the coverage that fits your needs at an affordable price.


It is not very common for bloggers to have insurance for their blogs, especially if the content does not pose significant risks. However, it can be worth considering if your blog involves sensitive topics or if you are worried about potential legal issues. It sounds like you have taken some precautions already, but it never hurts to explore your options for added protection.


From my experience running many businesses and dealing with lawsuits, I have learned that the protection you get from having an LLC is mostly just a legal idea. In real life, if your business is small and owned by just one person, the person suing you will often include you personally along with your LLC in the lawsuit. So, if you’re worried about being held responsible, it’s a good idea to have insurance. But just to mention, none of my online content businesses, like blogs, have ever been sued.

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