Google CEO Sundar Pichai discusses how Google Search impacts content creators... what does he say?

ThreadTactician said:

Scarlet said:
Do you have a source for this?

I posted the link above.


Maybe he should have used AI to come up with a better response lol

Can’t wait to watch all the video breakdowns of this

“Look, the old way was fine, but where was your old Unky Google getting paid, huh? Adwords? Never heard of her.”

Excuse me for being a noob, but can someone elaborate. What does this mean

The plight of content creators is just not something I cannot bring myself to care about in most cases.

Most only exist to promote affiliate links and their content was never very good. Yes, it stinks anytime someone has a business wiped out, but I could easily make the argument that many of them probably never should have been getting the traffic they were in the first place.

It reminds me of the scene in Office Space when the consultants are talking about laying off Milton and they realized due to a glitch in the system he had been receiving a paycheck when he was supposed to be let go a few years before.

“We fixed the glitch.”

Kamala said what again!?!?