Got a domain with 50-60M searches every month… what should I do?

I bought a domain with a .com extension, and it matches a keyword that gets 50 to 60 million searches each month. Most of the traffic comes from the United States. I checked this using Google Keyword Planner and some other tools.

Should I sell it? If yes, how much could I ask for?
Or do you think I should create a website with it?

You should develop it. By the way, does it have dashes in the name? I find it hard to believe a domain like that was still available.

Luchivya said:
You should develop it. By the way, does it have dashes in the name? I find it hard to believe a domain like that was still available.

No dashes at all, but it’s a non-English word. Still, 40% of searches come from the United States.

Oh, that explains it. Even so, it could still be worth a lot. You might want to check its value using Estibot. Don’t take it too seriously, but it’s good to get an idea.

Luchivya said:
You should develop it. By the way, does it have dashes in the name? I find it hard to believe a domain like that was still available.

Are domains with dashes bad for SEO?

Not always, but they’re less valuable. I only asked because that search volume is ridiculously high. If it’s a non-dashed .com, the value could be huge. I’ve been buying domains for almost 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything like that available. My own high-value domain only has 3 million monthly searches.

Luchivya said:
You should develop it. By the way, does it have dashes in the name? I find it hard to believe a domain like that was still available.

Sometimes keywords tied to movies or games get that much traffic. What you do with it depends on the keyword itself.

Search the keyword on Google to see who your competitors are. Then decide if it’s worth putting your time and money into.

If I were you, I’d check its market value. While you’re deciding, put up a parking page with Google AdSense and make some money from it. With that much traffic, it might pay for itself pretty quickly. In competitive markets, you can make good money just from CPM ads.

You left out some important details. Is the keyword informational, transactional, or related to a tool? Is it an expired domain? What kind of competitors are ranking for it? Any special features in the search results?

Make sure it’s not copyrighted or related to movies or games. Share more about it for better advice without giving away the actual keyword.

Exact match domains (EMDs) aren’t as useful as they used to be.

BloggingBuddy said:
Exact match domains (EMDs) aren’t as useful as they used to be.

That’s an understatement.

BloggingBuddy said:
Exact match domains (EMDs) aren’t as useful as they used to be.

EMDs can still work if you use them carefully. The problem is most people overdo it with SEO. Play it smart, and you can still get amazing results.

BloggingBuddy said:
Exact match domains (EMDs) aren’t as useful as they used to be.

They definitely work. You just need to know the basics of ranking. I’ve got plenty of examples where EMDs outperform other domains.

Wow, you really lucked out. Congrats! If I were in your shoes, I’d look at how was handled. It reportedly sold for $150 million recently. Compare its search volume to your domain’s and you’ll get an idea of what it might be worth.

Building a website could be a good idea too. Let me know if you need help with that.

@Mason sold for $15 million in cash plus shares from OpenAI.

Ron said:
@Mason sold for $15 million in cash plus shares from OpenAI.

The shares alone were worth $15 million, and they bought it a few months earlier for $10 million.

It depends. Can you turn it into a genuine brand? Some high-volume keywords don’t have much value.

Dan said:
It depends. Can you turn it into a genuine brand? Some high-volume keywords don’t have much value.

Are you saying a keyword with 60 million monthly searches might not be rare? I’m new to all this, so I’m not sure.

Think about things like illegal movie sites or mod APKs. Those keywords can have tons of searches but might not be worth much.