How to delete a blog wordpress

My WordPress blog is getting close to being taken down. Is there a way for someone to walk me through the process of removing a WordPress blog?


Go to your dashboard > account settings> delete blog.

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I recently had to remove my WordPress blog, so I can walk you through the process.

Here’s what worked for me:

  • Go to your site’s dashboard.
  • Navigate to SettingsGeneral.
  • If using WP-Admin, go to HostingSettings.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
  • Select Delete your site permanently.
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The process is just simple as some of my fellows have explained above. But for better understanding, you can follow the following article:

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With any luck, Google will figure it out—especially if they update the sitemap. To be certain, include a 410

Basically here are the simple steps

Step 1: Back up your files and data.
Step 2: Deactivate and remove plugins.
Step 3: Remove Themes.
Step 4: Delete the WordPress site files.
Step 5: Delete the WordPress database.
Step 6: Clean up residual data (optional).