I’m trying to get better at blogging—sitting down, doing research, and writing posts that are actually helpful. But I still struggle to make it a regular part of my routine, even though I know I want it to be. How do you handle blogging? Do you write every day or do you spread it out over the week? Do you prefer writing at home in comfy clothes or do you head to a café? Do you listen to specific music while you write? How long do you usually write in one go?
Blogging is just a hobby for me. I try to post once a week. I don’t set a specific time to write, but I do like having my post ready a day or two before it’s supposed to go live. I tend to write in one go, so I try to block out an hour or two for it. Usually, I write in the evenings or right after work if possible, and I make sure there are no distractions—no YouTube, few interruptions, just some music I can let play in the background. I also like to go back and edit the post at a separate time when I have a fresh perspective.
What works for me might not work for you, depending on your schedule and writing style. That said, the internet sometimes romanticizes writing in cafés or lighting candles to get in the zone, but while those things can help, they aren’t necessary for success. Don’t feel pressured to do those things to be a good blogger.
Thank you! You’re right, they do romanticize it.
I write for a company, and I manage four blogs. Recently, we’ve added some other writers, but I’m still the most productive one. I typically write 25,000 to 30,000 words every week, which means about 15-20 1,500-word articles or a few longer pieces. The longest piece I’ve written was over 12,000 words, and the shortest is about 800 words.
I just sit down and write until I hit my word count for the day. If I still feel good afterward, I’ll keep going, but if not, I’ll call it a day. I always listen to music while working. I use my Sony headphones and earbuds to block out distractions, and my playlist includes classic rock, heavy metal, death metal, black metal, and sometimes a little 80s pop.
I probably spend about 4-5 hours each day writing, with the rest of my time going to research, thinking, and moving around so I don’t burn out sitting at my desk all day.
I’m working on my own blog, which I plan to launch soon. Here’s my usual process:
When I find an interesting topic or idea, I write it down in my notes.
I usually write drafts on weekends because my weekdays are spent writing content for clients. I try not to use my weekends for my blog, but sometimes I do work on it during the week if I’m in the right mood.
Since I write a lot of medical content, it can be pretty draining. I often have to go through medical reports and dissect complicated PDFs to turn them into content that’s easy for the general public to understand. This makes it hard for me to write on my blog during the week, so I use that time to rest instead.
I manage several blogs. I usually post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but another one posts whenever I have something to say.
SHANIA said:
I manage several blogs. I usually post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but another one posts whenever I have something to say.
When you have something to say, haha! If you’re posting regularly, it sounds like you always have something to say!
Yeah, what I mean is that it’s not on a set schedule. I post 2 to 3 times a week, but not on the same days every time.
SHANIA said:
I manage several blogs. I usually post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but another one posts whenever I have something to say.
Do you make any money from your blogs?
SHANIA said:
I manage several blogs. I usually post on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but another one posts whenever I have something to say.
Do you make any money from your blogs?
Most of my blogs are for promoting businesses, so the subscriptions are free. But for 15 years, I ran a daily blog with thousands of subscribers and tons of paid ads.
That’s amazing!
I go through phases where I’ll write and publish a lot of posts in a week, but then I’ll go for weeks without writing anything.
I’m getting back into blogging. I used to have three very active blogs, but I burned out because it started feeling like a job that wasn’t paying the bills. Now I’m thinking of streamlining it and combining different topics into one blog with subsections. The key for me is consistency—finding time to get the words down regularly.
We create 4-6 articles per week, usually between 1700-2100 words, with at least 4-5 H2s, an FAQ section, and 4-6 internal links per article.
This approach works really well for us: Website Traffic Checker: Estimate Any Site’s Traffic
Wow, that’s impressive! I hope to be able to write that much one day.
Levi said:
Wow, that’s impressive! I hope to be able to write that much one day.
We use a service to help with that otherwise we could never manage such numbers.
Levi said:
Wow, that’s impressive! I hope to be able to write that much one day.
We use a service to help with that otherwise we could never manage such numbers.
Smart move!
Creating a solid blogging habit isn’t easy, but it’s definitely possible. First, you need to set the right mindset and make a time management plan. Start by building your blog little by little to keep yourself motivated.
Blogging takes dedication. Surround yourself with other bloggers, keep learning, and stay motivated.