When Should I Apply for Mediavine?

Currently, my blog is getting 30-40 sessions per day, and my AdSense revenue is very low, especially since most of my audience uses ad blockers. I removed AdSense and applied for Mediavine a week ago, but I haven’t received any updates yet. Should I continue using AdSense or wait for Mediavine’s approval?

Here’s my blog: https://sanjaybora.in/blog

That traffic seems low.

Washington said:

Oh, I thought it was the same. I have applied only for the Journey program. Initially, it showed ‘under review,’ but now that’s gone. I haven’t received any email, and I don’t see ads on my site either.

To qualify for Mediavine’s Journey program, you need 10,000 monthly sessions (300+ daily). For Mediavine or Raptive, you need 50,000 monthly sessions (1600+ daily). Focus on growing your blog first and apply for Mediavine Journey as it’s the most accessible option for smaller websites.

Okay, I’ll remove the growth script for now and re-add the AdSense script until I reach 300+ users per day.

Many bloggers are getting into the Journey program well below 10,000 sessions. You might as well try your luck.

Stephanie said:
Many bloggers are getting into the Journey program well below 10,000 sessions. You might as well try your luck.

I think my numbers are too low right now. I’ll try again in 2-3 months.