Where Can I Find New Blogs to Read?

Where Can I Discover New Blogs to Read?

I’m new to blogging and have a basic question: where can I find blogs to read? I’ve tried Google Blogger but can’t seem to browse other blogs only write my own. WordPress requires me to set up a whole site before doing anything, and the only blogs I come across are on professional sites like The Guardian.

I’m looking to read some blogs before I start writing my own, but it’s proving more difficult than expected. I thought Blogger would have a search feature for keywords and topics, but I can’t find one. Any suggestions?


Try using Bloglovin :slight_smile:


I also recommend Bloglovin.


On the home pages of the blog sites you mentioned, you should see a list of blogs. You can simply click “next” to read the following one. Alternatively, you might want to check out my blog, which I just updated.


On Blogger, the only options available to me seem to be related to my own blog (which I don’t have yet). I’ve clicked through everything but can’t find any blogs to read.


Alternatively, you can simply type your desired subject matter into Google, followed by terms like “blogspot,” “blog,” “blogger,” or “wordpress.” This will yield many blog results.

Often, you’ll find a blog roll on the side of these blogs, allowing you to explore more related blogs by following links from one to another.

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Alternatively, you can visit Twitter and search for your topics of interest using hashtags (e.g., #wordpress or #wordpresstips). This will bring up relevant results.

You can view both the latest tweets and the more popular ones, based on the number of retweets and likes they’ve received.