Hey all, so my blog roguefashiongossip.com has been live for almost a year now. I have a pinterest account that sometimes does 500k monthly views and have been promoting my blog there as well as on facebook and instagram, but I just can’t seem to get ANY viewers. Please have a look and tell me if I’m making a bunch of obvious silly mistakes or how I can get some traction as I truly believe I’m sharing good content. Thanks for your help! x
Although I appreciate your site, I do advise studying SEO to increase your organic traffic. It ought to be ten times more productive than social media. I observed that very few of your posts are indexed when I looked for site:roguefashiongossip.com on Google. Based on this, I recommend that you upload a sitemap using Google Search Console. Furthermore, conduct keyword research. If you don’t utilise terms that people are actively searching for, your content won’t show up.
Having said that, I really enjoy reading your site and found your piece about dress for dates to be both really educational and enjoyable. Wishing you luck.
The issue is that much of the coverage consists of red carpet critiques of the awards, which are published by every news site hours after the ceremony, and even then, long after everyone has seen the photos on social media. What more would you add?
In addition, the name Rogue Fashion Gossip gave me the impression that this was more of an industry site with real gossip and perhaps some behind-the-scenes photos.
Which Pinterest account do you use? When I attempt to click the “Follow on Pinterest” button at the top, Pinterest loads instead of your profile.
If you receive 500k views on Pinterest each month but no one clicks through to your site, it may be more of a problem with your Pinterest pins than your blog. You claim that you are unable to obtain “any” views. Do you mean none at all? On Pinterest, how many clicks are coming from outside your account? I believe that will help us better understand what recommendations to make.
If your blog does not have a clear goal in 2024, you will not succeed. Try to answer the question, “Why Should I Visit This Blog and Come Back in the Future Too?” from the perspective of your guest.
Post on a regular basis. Because you can’t build a mountain of posts to sit on, it might be challenging to find the niche you desire. But, you will struggle to generate traction if you don’t plan to update once a week at the very least. Can you see someone finding your site on Pinterest, enjoying what they read, and then seeing no new content for several weeks or months?
I love the idea of your blog! You have inspired me to post on Pinterest!
I don’t get any views on Instagram either but Facebook usually works for me. What specific groups do you post to? Maybe branch out? Also, do you also post to subReddits besides this one?
Also, you might want to break up text with photos, videos & different size fonts.
Wishing you much success.
Seek for backlinks from reputable websites in your niche.
On my phone, the text in your articles is very tiny and lacks an image. It presents me with a large block of text with very little white space between paragraphs; I’m not particularly inclined to browse through the content.
Although I doubt it will have much of an impact on Google search, it may lead to a decrease in retention.
These are the suggestions I have. As previously said, you must first take care of the technological issues. If blogging is your true passion, give up on Wix and switch to WordPress. To make the sites readily legible on mobile devices as well, I would change a few things. Then, eighteen posts is not much; in order to generate momentum, you need a lot more content. Additionally, you should write about topics that people are genuinely looking up online. Here’s where conducting keyword research is useful. Finally, produce articles for readers rather than search engines.
With 1 DA, practically no backlinks, and a few technical glitches, how can you expect traffic? It is advisable that you carry out a site assessment first. Although you may utilise any program, I recommend utilising SEOwallet’s Page Pro Analyser. Second, I would strongly advise you to create a high-quality backlink profile and publish a few blog entries each week. You will benefit from this considerably but gradually. After six months, there ought to have been a significant difference. Next, make another remark.