I started on YouTube, but after a change in their monetization structure, my earnings dropped to about 10% of what they used to be. I had a blog with posts for each video, offering extra content since the videos are educational. After the monetization issue, I focused more on the blog, and it was doing well until the latest Google update, which nearly wiped out my traffic.
I’ve learned a lot about YouTube and blogging since I started and would approach things differently if I had to do it again. Now, I’m wondering if I should start over or try to salvage my blog.
Should I go back to only creating blog content that ties into the YouTube channel and keep other types of content on a separate blog? Or does it not matter if the blog has additional content? Is it even possible to recover from a core update?
I’m open to starting a new blog for non-YouTube-related content, but I want to make sure I do it right this time so I don’t run into this problem again.
I’m new to blogging and YouTube too, but from what I understand, blogs need a lot of relevant words. Your YouTube videos should just support the blog. Here’s how I structure mine: I start with the title, then an intro paragraph, followed by the embedded YouTube video. After that, I add a table of contents, a blog post of around 2,000 words, and sprinkle in photos every 500 words or so, along with a relevant infographic. In my YouTube video’s description, I always include a link back to the blog where the video is embedded.
Linking a blog and YouTube channel can boost traffic and engagement. Share YouTube videos on your blog, embed videos in relevant posts, and promote your blog in video descriptions.