Do younger generations read longform content anymore?

I’m a generation that grew up when Pinterest was being flooded with mom blogs, and the best way to learn about anything online was through reading longform. My question is whether Gen Zers and Alpha consume longform blog content anymore? I want to start a blog targeted towards people aged anywhere between 14-30, but there’s a fear in my mind that most of what’s being consumed nowadays is shortform. My idea can somewhat be conveyed through shortform, but not as well as through longform written content.

In essence - are younger generations able to read stuff online and sit through a 10-minute read? And do they visit blogs anymore?

It is commonly known that people read less and less, particularly on the internet. If you want to create long pieces and have people read them all, you must be very good at attracting and holding their attention. The more niche your blog/content is, the fewer people search for it, but the more likely it is that visitors will come particularly for that information and read it.

Can you sit through a ten-minute read? Yes, of course. I’m in my early 20s. I don’t read the entire blog because there is generally a lot of unnecessary fluff. I just read what I was looking for. If it’s intriguing and relevant to my needs, I’ll read the entire thing. Even my blog entries are 5-minute reads. I’ve never not “jumped to the recipe” on a recipe blog.

It depends; there are folks in that age bracket who still read long forms. There are probably fewer than there were 10-20 years ago, but they still exist.

If the story is written well and engages the reader, I don’t see what the problem is.

The best approach is to conduct keyword research to determine whether your chosen topic/keywords are being searched on Google. This implies that people are searching Google for blogs/websites related to the issue. If someone wants a short form or a video, they will look it up on YouTube, Tiktok, and other platforms. It is also advisable to check keywords on Google Trends to see how the issue is trending in search.

I think they still do. You might wish to use graphics in your long form material to make it more engaging.