Hi there, I recently started a blog to assist me expand my business, and I was curious to hear about other people’s experiences getting their first 100 email subscribers.
I use Mailpoet and have set up a pop-up signup box. For every 10,000 hits, we received approximately 20 signups. I eventually turned off the pop-up because it was bothersome and moved the signup box to the widget sidebar. That gives me roughly 1-2 signups per 10,000 visits. I don’t have a compelling use case for gathering emails yet, other than sharing my newsletter, so I’m going to remain with this technique for the moment.
I’ve got around 40 subscribers in six months without pushing hard to build the list. My site still needs a few more features before I really start marketing it. Right now, I’m getting about 120 unique visitors daily. I’m using a free Convertkit pop-up to collect emails and keep my audience updated. Interestingly, my Facebook page brings in more daily users than my email list, but the emails I send out get about 7-8 clicks each.
However, the popup was more effective. Retain one in the sidebar, but include a popup that will appear after sixty seconds and one that will record users who want not to use cookies.
In this manner, it won’t be presented to the same person twice, you’re only presenting it to visitors who stick around because they enjoy your material, and you receive more signups.
How many posts do you have on your blog?