Midlife Lifestyle & Personal Development is a niche? Or too broad?

Hello all,
I just started a blog (1 week ago) where I basically talk about resources that have been helpful as I’m transitioning into midlife. I post about books that I read, small things that I do to live better (in a positive light, but facing things as they are), beauty routines… I write in the first person, also sharing my experiences and personal stories (I have a ton of them)… it’s like I was writing to a friend. I decided to follow this route after a lot of thought. I’ve talked to a mentor and he strongly suggested that I focus on product reviews only, for the potential affiliate revenue. But it made me feel empty. I really love to have conversations and connect, and my hope is that people will comment. I want to make a full-time income from this blog. Nothing crazy, I just need enough to live my frugal life; I don’t need much. What do you think? Am I delusional?

The mentor’s advice is horrible. That is going to turn folks away from your blog and make it really difficult to build a solid audience. You need to have a rapport with readers and an audience in place before you start selling.

That niche could be broad, but based on your experiences, you can also focus it down. I would focus now on identifying who you want your readers to be and where you can find those readers. Your audience isn’t going to materialize out of thin air. If you can find where folks who will enjoy your content are already congregating and connect with them, you’ll get a clearer idea of what they would find valuable from a blog like yours.

Best of luck :slight_smile:

Amazing advice! That’s a good exercise because I think of people like me, facing the same existential questions but also wanting to have a fuller life. When I think about that, only books and feminine magazines come to my mind :joy: I’ll start digging! Thank you so much!

I was just wondering where you get your mentor from?

I’m trying to do something similar, but for single gay men over 50. The idea is to focus on where we are in life in general and not just on one topic, like travel. I posted some content with personal anecdotes but think I need to make it more personal overall.

Hey have you heard about Solo Katsudo? It might make a good post; not many people are talking about that concept so far.

I think it’s a great idea! We all seem to have this need to express our internal turmoil and share it with the world, to be around people who are in the same place in life. I believe writing will be so good for you; the hope that someone out there will read your words and feel a connection is incredibly powerful. Today, I had my first link click from Google Console, and I found myself wondering—was that person touched by what they read? Did they feel that there are others out there going through the exact same thing? It feels almost metaphysical, this idea of energy and connection, but I believe I can sense it.

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, I’m pretty erratic on weekends, haha.

You’re not delusional. I think your mentor comes from a different school of thought and is more product-focused than content-focused. You seem like you want to write personable quality content. Based on what you said you’d like to write about, I think you can easily add in affiliate links into your blog posts (like book recommendations, beauty products are big, etc.).

A suggestion (just based on what you shared) is to focus on building trust with your readers and only promote products you really stand behind.

Exactly! I’ll use affiliate links for the books I’ve been reading that have really been helping me. Even if the commission is just a small amount…