New to Blogging... How do I start making money from this?

How many posts do I need before I see real traffic? What can I do to make at least $2,000 a month from my blog?

We can’t really help without more details about your site or how long you’ve been doing this. Generally, it takes 1-2 years for most people to start making real money from blogging.

Blogging just for the money can be frustrating, and you might lose interest before you succeed. Focus on making great content.

It really depends. You could make $2,000 a month with just one post, or not even $20 with a thousand posts. The key is finding a niche with low competition and then building 30-40 articles around keywords in that space.

Any tips on how I can find good keywords?

Smith said:
Any tips on how I can find good keywords?

Sure! Try this:

Step 1: Put a basic keyword into any keyword tool and filter by difficulty (lower is better).

Step 2: Use the KGR technique (Keyword Golden Ratio) to filter even more. This helps find keywords that are easy to rank for and have low competition.

That’s a great tip!

Thanks for the advice!

Smith said:
Thanks for the advice!

You’re welcome!

This is super helpful, thanks!

ThreadMaster said:
This is super helpful, thanks!

Glad you found it useful!

Start small. Aim to make $100 first, then build from there. There’s no magic trick to start making $2,000 quickly, but I recommend looking into Affiliate Marketing and Micro-Niches.

Find something you like, even if it’s not a huge passion, as you’ll be researching and writing about it a lot.

I wrote a guide that covers:

  1. How to pick a niche
  2. Finding a product
  3. What NOT to advertise
  4. Ideas for creating content
  5. How to bring traffic to your blog

Good luck!

Can you share that guide?

Mickey said:
Can you share that guide?

Sure! Here’s the link redditfwd…com/Affiliate101

Mods, if this breaks any rules, just let me know and I’ll remove it.

WordsmithWizard2 said:

Mickey said:
Can you share that guide?

Sure! Here’s the link redditfwd…com/Affiliate101

Mods, if this breaks any rules, just let me know and I’ll remove it.

Yeah, maybe better to take it down to be safe.

Where can I find this guide?

Smith said:
Where can I find this guide?

It’s on my profile. I don’t want to post links directly here since the rules are strict on self-promotion, even though it’s free.

It can take years before you see that kind of money, and getting traffic isn’t free either. If you’re relying on ads, say you’re getting $25 per 1,000 views, you’ll need around 80,000 views per month to make $2,000. To get there, aim to post at least 100 articles in your first year.

Affiliate sales or courses need a different strategy. Maybe check out some courses on blogging or follow YouTube creators who talk about it.

Stick with what you enjoy and let your personality show! That’s the best way to make your blog stand out.

You need around 20-30 posts in a specific niche to start seeing traffic. Focus on SEO and content promotion to reach more people. You might hit $2,000 a month in 4-5 years if you’re working solo or sooner if you outsource some of the work.

If you need tips, message me. I can’t post an image here because of forum rules, but I’ve got some helpful ones!

To make money from blogging, you need regular traffic, which means regular content. More important than the number of posts is how valuable your content is. Write about things people care about, and the traffic will follow.

Hope that helps!