Started my news website about a year ago. Almost no results to this day... Could you guys help me?

Hi everyone,

I could use some advise. I started a gaming news website last year. Right now I got 2000 total views. I get 3-8 views per day.

I try to post one article per day about recent topics in gaming. I only take days off on weekends.

I got social media profiles on basically everything. I post there every day. Often I will add a graphic or two with short news on top of the articles. I believe I post a lot of content for a side hustle.

And I always try to get the SEO right. I got a tool for that and check the competition regularly.

The problem is I feel exhausted from doing it and seeing barely any results. Is my niche too competitive? Maybe a news website was not such a good idea? Should I write more compelling and helping longer articles but not so often?

I’ll be very thankful for any advise.

The passage highlights how crucial it is to have a distinct “angle” or personality for a gaming news site. This method is likened to how family members might each prepare the same sauce in a different way. The lesson here is that, just like the sauce, the blog need a unique flavour and methodology to stand out from the competition. This may be reporting games where the term “of the” appears in the title, or it could involve something more sombre like scrupulously following journalistic guidelines. Finding and maintaining a unique personality is crucial since it will help the blog stand out from the competition and attract readers.

You create a backlinks?

I would advise you to engage your audience more. In the very competitive game industry, you don’t really want to be just some anonymous blog that people sometimes stumble into via Google. “Oh yeah, that’s your site, I really love going there for news and articles,” is the kind of audience you desire.

Are you using email for anything at the moment, such as creating a list or a newsletter? Newsletters are a great way to grow a following on news-focused websites.

Do you receive interactions on social media platforms? Instead of merely writing articles, have you tried just interacting with people through responses and other means?

This is almost the same. a year-old blog with five to ten daily views. However, I only write around once a week. But a different technique, as well as a distinct niche.

The phrase SEO is broad. You’ll need backlinks from several niche-related websites in order to acquire visitors. Go ahead and leave a remark on the site if comments are permitted on it. Forums, contest websites, and directories operate similarly. While using social media to drive traffic is a smart choice, you should also look at Twitch.

Hallo there. I would be asking myself such so as to fit it a certain niche: What actual benefit is there for me as a reader to visit your website if you don’t receive your news from insiders PRIOR to anybody else publishing? Why post what other people publish if you don’t?

Do you have a unique perspective that nobody else does? novel news? insider advice? Forecasts? For what reason did I read you?

To make the PR staff of the games you’re reviewing at least aware of your existence, I’d advise attempting collabs, interviews, and direct communication. Collaborating with fellow bloggers may also be beneficial, especially if you’re just starting out.

YouTube videos are a good way to get traffic; you can make them yourself or sponsor others, but you have to do it correctly. For instance, you could create a video on YouTube about a mod for Mincraft, and the download link would be your article about it with a download button at the bottom. However, unless you have a strong brand name and people visit your site regularly, this usually doesn’t generate long-term traffic.

Choose to target less competitive keywords. Low search results shouldn’t alarm you because those numbers add up.