What does “pin x pins” per day mean in Pinterest Advice?

Advertising your blog on Pinterest I’ve hear to pin 5 pins a day. Does that mean add relevant pins made by other people to your boards?

Or does it mean upload 5 Pins per day? (Meaning you have to create 150 per month?) That seems so much, idk how anyone can keep up with that.

Insight on this topic is greatly appreciated!

20-50 pins per day is where the magic is

The majority of the work you do should be original. When you first start off and don’t have many unique Urls, maybe 80 percent of the content should be your own with 20 repins. If you’re starting a new board and want Pinterest to “understand” it, then you should eventually reach a point where you merely create your own pins. A key component of any Pinterest approach used to be pinning other people’s pins, but that is no longer the case. Pinterest has said unequivocally that “fresh” material is preferred.

Can you use three pins from other people and two from you to balance it? Because development will be aided by additional pins. I have 5,000 views in 30 days and 75 of my own pins.