What Plugins Do You Guys Use?

Hi bloggers.

I’m trying to figure out which plugins to pay for and which ones are fine to use for free. Right now, I use Wordfence for security on the free plan. My host backs up my site daily, so I don’t use a backup plugin. I also use the free version of ShortPixel.

I’m considering whether I need a paid plugin for things like a newsletter. I’d love to hear about your experiences! There might be plugins I don’t know about that could be really helpful.

What free plugins do you think are must-haves and don’t need a paid version? Also, which plugins do you think are worth paying for instead of sticking with the free options?

I use MailPoet for my newsletter. It’s free for the first 1,000 subscribers, and since I only have 10 subscribers right now, I don’t need the paid plan. I also really like the Broken Link Checker, which is free and very helpful.

tbh the paid version of Elementor is totally worth it for the additional features

I use all free basic plugins…

  • Yoast for SEO
  • Sassy Social Share for social media sharing options
  • UpdraftPlus for site backups
  • WP Code Lite/Code Snippets to add codes
  • ConvertKit for email subscriptions
  • Grow for Mediavine ads

I try to keep only the necessary plugins and avoid using too many.

Also, could someone share how many plugins are too many? What’s a comfortable number of plugins to have without slowing down your website?

The quality of plugins matters more than the quantity. One poorly coded plugin can slow down your site, while you could use 100 well-coded minimal plugins with little impact on performance.

How can we understand if a plugin is clearly coded and minimal? Any metric?