Who spends the most on SEO these days? Any thoughts?

Do you think e-commerce businesses are putting more into SEO now?

I know they spend a lot on PPC, but lately, I feel like Google is giving them a boost in organic search too. Seems kind of odd, right? You’d think Google would push them down so they’d have to pay more for ads. But I feel like the opposite is happening. What do you think?

Hosting, adult sites, VPNs

EvansBrown11 said:
Hosting, adult sites, VPNs

Adult sites? Really? I didn’t expect that. I don’t see many SEO experts talking about it, to be honest.

Not disagreeing, just surprised!

It’s all about backlinks

EvansBrown11 said:
Hosting, adult sites, VPNs

SEO for adult sites isn’t as easy as people think

In my opinion, finance and healthcare spend the most on SEO because they need to build trust and provide accurate info. It’s a way for them to attract people who need serious help.

Zachary said:
In my opinion, finance and healthcare spend the most on SEO because they need to build trust and provide accurate info. It’s a way for them to attract people who need serious help.

That makes sense! Now I see why so many SEOs are in the finance world.

Definitely e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and real estate. Even though e-commerce spends big on PPC, they’re also investing more in SEO. Google seems to be giving them a better spot in organic search results lately. I think they’re trying to balance it out between ads and organic results.

I totally agree!

B2C finance is up there for sure. Healthcare too. Maybe recipe websites? They’ve got tons of content.

I think any B2C business with a big online presence benefits a lot from SEO.

Gambling, especially online casinos and sports betting. They spend a fortune on SEO.

B2B companies that make specialized products for other big businesses. Especially if they’re doing business internationally.

It’s hard to say for sure, but I’d guess casino and e-commerce. Finance and healthcare seem to do more PPC than SEO. Just my guess!

SEO spending is massive in e-commerce, finance, healthcare, real estate, and tech. They rely on top Google rankings to get traffic. You’re spot on about e-commerce. They’ve always been PPC-heavy, but SEO is becoming more of a focus. Google seems to like e-commerce websites more in organic search now, probably because it improves the user experience and keeps people on the platform longer. While you’d think Google would want them to pay more for ads, they also need to keep their search results relevant.

Here’s who I think spends the most on SEO:

  1. E-commerce – It’s super competitive, and they rely heavily on traffic.
  2. Travel and hospitality – They need to attract tourists, so SEO is big for them.
  3. Finance and insurance – With their complicated products and valuable conversions, they put a lot into SEO.
  4. Healthcare – Hospitals and health businesses use SEO to connect with patients.
  5. Real estate – Agents want to reach buyers and renters in crowded markets.
  6. Education – Schools and online courses need to stand out to attract students.

These industries really depend on online visibility, so they invest big in SEO.

Sports betting and casinos, especially in the US. I’m managing a $2.5 million yearly SEO budget, with 90% going to backlinks and exclusive deals with publishers. There’s also a lot of player interview content we use for outreach. The competition is wild. With PPC costs of $30-60 and CPAs of $1-2k for things like NFL betting, SEO is crucial.

I’d say gambling, adult sites, and insurance. The top companies in these industries either hire big marketing firms or have their own SEO departments.

E-commerce is huge too, probably bigger than the others. But there are more SEOs working on e-commerce, so it’s less competitive in some ways.

From what I’ve seen, the industries that spend the most on SEO are the ones that depend on a strong online presence. These include:

  • E-commerce
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Travel and hospitality
  • Education (especially online courses)

E-commerce, in particular, seems to be putting more into SEO lately. While PPC is still a big part of their marketing, SEO helps drive long-term traffic without paying for each click.