Anyone having trouble with ads on Grow?

Hey everyone, I just got into Grow with Mediavine after finally qualifying for their program. I followed all the steps, set up the script, and everything seemed fine. But now, I’m running into a problem where I only see Grow-related ads, not the ones from actual companies.

When I check my site (on a different browser), there’s an ad at the bottom asking if I want to see fewer ads and to download Grow, but no ads on the sidebar or between my content like they’re supposed to be.

I tried looking through the help pages but didn’t find anything that fixed it. I cleared my cache, and they mentioned it could be a theme issue, but they didn’t list any compatible themes. I really don’t want to switch to the default WordPress theme, as it doesn’t fit my brand. If I need to change themes, I’d like more options that could work better for my site.

Has anyone else run into this? Do I really need to rebrand everything just for Grow to work? I’d love some advice on what theme you use or any tricks to get the ads to show properly.


Honestly, I’ve had nothing but issues with Grow too. It didn’t work well with Elementor for me, and I ended up dropping it completely. I’m now waiting to see if Raptive accepts my site. Mediavine seems to be focusing on quantity over quality lately, and their RPMs are getting worse in my opinion.

I had the same issue before, and the fix for me was reaching out to the Journey Community. Turns out it was because of the page builder I was using. They adjusted things for me and I got more ads, including video ones within my content.

Thanks so much for that tip :slight_smile:

plugindoctor said:
Thanks so much for that tip :slight_smile:

Hey, did you manage to get it fixed? I’m running into the same issue with Elementor. I’ve read that it wraps content in divs, which might be the cause of the problem. Let me know how you solved it, I’ve been trying all sorts of things with no luck.

I ended up switching to the Ocean WP theme, and it worked. Apparently, the classic block editor is a better option because Grow doesn’t seem to like Elementor.

How exactly did they fix it for you?

Spenser said:
How exactly did they fix it for you?

I think they did it manually. Not totally sure, though.

I’ve noticed the same issue with the Grow ads. It seems like if no ad is available, it just shows their default placeholder ad.

This sounds like a theme or plugin problem. It’s hard to say for sure without seeing your site, but I had a similar issue caused by an infinite scroll plugin. It was loading content through ajax, which caused the ad script to fail. Try turning off plugins one by one to see if that fixes it. If not, it might be the theme.

I’ll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

It sounds like your theme might be causing the issue. I’d recommend reaching out to Mediavine for a list of compatible themes. That way, you won’t have to guess or go through trial and error.

Have you tried contacting Mediavine support directly? They should be able to help with theme compatibility and ad placement issues.

TerryPeters said:
Have you tried contacting Mediavine support directly? They should be able to help with theme compatibility and ad placement issues.

Yeah, I contacted them, but they just told me to post on their community page. I ended up finding a theme that works (Ocean WP), but I liked my old one better. At least my revenue is up now!

I would reach out to Mediavine directly. They should help sort it out and make sure your RPM is as high as possible. They have some tips on their blog for improving RPM too.

Make sure you’ve completed the payment setup properly. I had the same issue, and once I sorted that out, the ads started showing up.

Davis said:
Make sure you’ve completed the payment setup properly. I had the same issue, and once I sorted that out, the ads started showing up.

I’ve already done all the onboarding, including the payment setup, and everything is in order. I might post on their community page for more help.

First thing I’d check is if you’re using an ad blocker. Try loading your site in an incognito window to see if it makes a difference.

What you’re seeing is the placeholder ad. It helps keep the page layout stable while actual ads load, so you don’t get that annoying jumping around. This happens a lot when you first start with Grow because they need time to analyze your site and find the right ads to serve.

If you’re not seeing other ads yet, give it a little time. When I started, it took about a week to stabilize, and now I’m earning way more than I did with AdSense. There’s a forum post somewhere that talks about placeholder ads if you want more info. Also, I use the Kadence theme with no issues—it’s super customizable if you end up needing to change themes.

Did you set up an ads.txt file for Mediavine? That’s important to make sure the ads can run.