How to start a blog and make money?

Starting a blog seems easy but making a money out from it, is a not an easy task. We all follow same process in starting a blog.

  1. Choose a niche you’re passionate about.
  2. Pick a reliable hosting service
  3. Set up your blog using WordPress.
  4. Create high-quality, valuable content.
  5. Optimize for SEO from day one.
  6. Promote your blog on social media.
  7. Build an email list.
  8. Monetize with affiliate marketing.
  9. Use Google AdSense for passive income.
  10. Offer digital products or services.

Almost all of us follow these steps but only few get successful. On google search alone there are millions of blogs. It’s like an ocean of blogs where we start our blog and hoping to get something out from it.

My Question -

  1. If you are a top blogger then what you made different from the 10 point i shared above.

  2. If you are a blogger who gets good amount of traffic, then what are planning to be a top blogger.

  3. If you are a newbie like me then how are you planning to start your blog.

Oh My God! Your query seems to be like drop of blood in ocean. All the blogging sharks seems to have drawn to your comments section ( including myself though) overloaded with information.

Unfortunately, as newbie 70% of all the information is for intermediate bloggers and is completely useless to you…barring a few good ones ( I, hope mine is in good one :grin: ).

Here is my two penny advice in this ocean of advices about what I, would do if were in your shoes.

  1. Fuck web design. Go to Themeforrest or Evanto and buy pre-made blog template. Trust me web design is like a wife consuming time in makeup real headache.

  2. Start 5 blogs on different topics that you have some interest. the formula would be 1 blog = 1 Topic. Evaluate after few weeks. keep filtering out blogs every 3 weeks based on your interest.Then, Of the five choose that 1 blog you have maximum interest in.

This is the best way to narrow down on one blog which has your interest, focus and passion. It’s more like a reverse pyramid approach where you brainstorm on multiple topics and boil down to one topic.

  1. Fuck keywords research. Keywords analysing tools are not free they are expensive and difficult to understand for newbie bloggers who are just setting sail. Also if you do to much keyword research you will scared to death. You’ll never start a blog.

Use your brain that’s your biggest keywords research tool ( What you gonna do preserving it anyway, srry bad joke :rofl:)…just logically connect the dots use chatgpt and some free tools and create an initial list of keywords to start writing.

  1. Just keep writing and writing and writing and writing ( that’s no typo). There is no substitute to writing High quality content without endless writing.

Well yes there is Chatgpt to ease your burden…But have you heard about… Google HCU ( The blog murderer) Google it…even the blogging Sharks got defangged by this update.

  1. Lastly don’t overthink. There is something called analysis paralysis. Just start the blog and start writing good content. Every thing else you will learn on the way. its slow churn but eventually you will learn everything including how to make money :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:.

Best of luck ( Do like the post :postal_horn: atleast have mercy on my fingers which had to type so much :joy::joy::joy:)


Thanks for all the helpful words!

LillyGrace said:

I also always recommend going after long-tail keywords first. They are much easier to rank for. If you need any long-tail keyword inspiration.


LillyGrace said:

Going after the long tail keywords is a good idea as you’ll more than likely gain traction a lot faster.

LillyGrace said:

What email service are you going to use for that?

Bradley said:

LillyGrace said:

What email service are you going to use for that?

LillyGrace said:

Bradley said:
LillyGrace said:

What email service are you going to use for that?

Be careful most hosting plans only allow around 200 emails per hour.

I was at this point as a blogger. But then I found the newsletter world. I think newsletter is a great media asset to share your blog posts and grow your audience better.

If you’re interested using email marketing for your work, you can start with a newsletter and then create a website for all of your issues as blog posts.

But how to get subscribers? Like good amount of them?

Braint said:
But how to get subscribers? Like good amount of them?

I shared a couple of strategies in another forum, here are some of the best ways to get subs:

  • Use social media channels including Reddit and IndieHackers
  • Outreach method which may seem pushy but with a personalized message, most of the people you want to reach would be interested.
  • Collab with other newsletters, that will help you seem visible and reliable on the market.

Which email service are you using for your newsletter?

Bradley said:
Which email service are you using for your newsletter?

I’m a newbie as well.

Just read some really inspiring posts on newsletter world and creator’s stories about how newsletter affected their lives in a positive way. That’s why I’m in the way of starting a newsletter as a blogger.

And for your question, I plan to use Beehiiv.

May I ask which pricing plan you’re going with? I understand if that’s too personal.

Bradley said:
May I ask which pricing plan you’re going with? I understand if that’s too personal.

No worries, I don’t plan to monetize in the beginning. Will check if there’s an audience for me and then I’d consider monthly pricing maybe like 5 bucks a month. Do you have any plans with the monetization process?

My apologies for not being clear. I meant the email system which pricing plan you were going to start with.

Bradley said:
My apologies for not being clear. I meant the email system which pricing plan you were going to start with.

I wanna go with the free plan at first. If I see a potential then I’ll switch to the scale plan. :slight_smile:

Not one person mentioned building backlinks and site authority. Everyone seems focused on content.

Sure, you can share on social media and parasite your posts onto larger forums like Reddit, Pinterest, Linkedin and so on but if you ever want to rank for a key term your site will need authority.

Think about it. Google has limited ability to determine if the site is good or not. It’s not a platform like YouTube where they can track how people are engaging with the content and keep pushing it out to a larger audience algorithmically.

Their secret sauce that made them the giant they are today is the backlink. Just look into the history of this. Hell just look at the search engine results page (SERP) using a tool like Moz, Ahref, Semrush, ect and you’ll see the Authority score is one of the heaviest weights in the algorithm.

If you want your blog to show up you are going to have to not only create good content and have a nice site. You are going to have to leverage all the major media outlets and get backlinks from other authoritative sites.

At this point in the game everything is a nofollow backlink that is easy to get and passess no authority along. Sites that are legit and not sketchy want money for a do follow backlink. It’s a real pain in the ass and feels like a rich get richer situation.

Honestly, in my opinion backlinks are going to become a thing of past pretty soon.

Google is now training their Algo’s on learning user intent. For example, If a particular post has successfully solved a query for a user where he no longer feels the need to continue it’s search on the particular keyword that is a positive matric.

You check ahref you would come across 100s of such sites where authority is minimal and zero backlinks but they rank pretty high on google SERP.

Ofcourse, Backlinks are still relevant as of today but it does appear that it’s days are numbered.

It’s better to divert your focus on content then chase backlinks.