What SEO Tips Have Worked Best for You in 2024?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice on SEO for this year. I’m trying to improve my site’s traffic and rank higher on search engines.

  • What specific SEO strategies have given you the most success?
  • Have you been focusing more on things like on-page SEO, link building, or content?
  • How have you adjusted your tactics with all the updates and algorithm changes?

I’d really appreciate any real-life examples or tips to help with SEO in 2024. Thanks for your input!

One of the most effective things I’ve done is content pruning. You can use Google Search Console (GSC) to see which pages aren’t being indexed or getting traffic. If they’re not useful, just delete them. If they’re important, rewrite them to make them better.

Other things that have worked for me: using parasite SEO, internal linking, and improving conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Exactly right!

How do you handle internal linking? Do you have a lot of blog posts?

Troy said:
How do you handle internal linking? Do you have a lot of blog posts?

I use a tool to speed things up, but I try to have 3 to 7 links going both in and out. The key is to use varied anchor texts and link the most relevant posts together.

I do SEO for a big ecommerce brand, and we’ve had great success with content that solves problems. We find common questions or pain points and offer solutions through our blog posts, naturally linking our products as part of the solution. We’ve been doing this for over 6 months and have seen great improvements.

Yes! Creating problem-solving content works really well. I also refresh my blog posts regularly to keep them up to date, which helps them rank better. It’s also important to combine this with on-page optimization and link building. I use Semrush for competitive research and other tools to track discussions in relevant places.

I’m not sure what you meant to post here, but a broken image or link came through.

Here’s what’s worked for me:

  1. Creating helpful and engaging content focused on user intent. This has really helped keep visitors on my site and lower bounce rates. I also regularly update old content to keep it fresh.
  2. My main focus has been content marketing, and it’s been the best way for me to increase my site’s visibility.
  3. I stay updated on algorithm changes, but I try to keep my focus on creating value and demonstrating my expertise, rather than chasing algorithm tricks.

I’m looking for real-world examples

Well, it really depends on your niche, how strong your competitors are, and how well your site is currently performing. There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy, sadly.

Have you focused more on on-page optimization, link building, or content marketing?

All of those are important and work together. You need good content, optimized pages, a solid site structure, and off-site SEO to really see growth. Doing one without the others won’t get you far.

Honestly, sometimes doing nothing works too. Google’s random algorithm updates give and take traffic, regardless of what you do.

I’ve been focusing on Entity SEO and internal linking for about 2 years now. It’s made a big difference for my rankings.

J.cole2 said:
I’ve been focusing on Entity SEO and internal linking for about 2 years now. It’s made a big difference for my rankings.

What’s Entity SEO?

J.cole2 said:
I’ve been focusing on Entity SEO and internal linking for about 2 years now. It’s made a big difference for my rankings.

I’ve been trying to learn about Entity SEO. I bought the book and got an Inlinks subscription, but I’m still confused. Do you have any advice on how to use it properly?

Start with Inlinks’ topic planner. It’ll guide you on what content to create. Their audit tool is also really helpful for optimizing existing pages.

J.cole2 said:
Start with Inlinks’ topic planner. It’ll guide you on what content to create. Their audit tool is also really helpful for optimizing existing pages.

I’ve been hesitant to install the Inlinks script on my WordPress site since I’m still figuring it out. Does it really improve performance?

I’ve been using Claude to help me structure my blog posts better. It’s made a noticeable difference in my rankings. I don’t use it to write the content, but it helps me organize it more logically.

BookwormBard said:
I’ve been using Claude to help me structure my blog posts better. It’s made a noticeable difference in my rankings. I don’t use it to write the content, but it helps me organize it more logically.

Could you give an example of how you use Claude for structuring? Do you have a specific process or prompt?

I don’t have a set process. I copy-paste my blog post and compare it to a high-ranking one, asking Claude to point out the differences. Then I use those suggestions to improve my post. It works best for already published content, though—not new pieces.

For me, it’s all about building links and creating really great content.